Coach Development

The Ephrata Baseball Association is committed to cultivating adult volunteer managers, coaches, and instructors. We are committed to teaching consistent, effective instructional practices that are safe, fundamentally-based, and skill-appropriate for the overall instructional well-being of its participants.
Background, Safety, and Volunteer Process
- Manager & Coach Code of Conduct
- EBA Coaching Development & Education Program
- Little League Code Of Conduct
- Read the Perspective Articles on this page
- Safety Information
- Incident Reporting Form (pdf) (submit to President of EBA when completed)
- EBA's Concussion Policy
- Free Online Training for Coaches
- Equipment - The EBA will provide you league rule book, balls, bats, helmets, catcher's gear, score book/forms, tee's (if applicable). If you need anything, please contact the Uniform & Equipment Coordinator listed here.
Practice & Game Resources
- Training & Practice Drills
- "Finer Points of Baseball" Series:
- The Lost Art of Bunting
- Defensive Baseball Finer Details - Catching
- Defensive Baseball Finer Details - Pitcher
- Defensive Baseball Finer Details - First Base
- Defensive Baseball Finer Details - Second Base
- Defensive Baseball Finer Details - Shortstop
- Defensive Baseball Finer Details - Third Base
- Defensive Baseball Finer Details - Outfielders
Youtube Resources:
New Resources:
End of Season
- Post-Season Evaluation Form is key part of a player's progressive development and placement next year is your player feedback. Please provide to your league director/president or include with your equipment. Download Form
- Tournaments - there are many tournaments around the area for ages 8 and up. For Little League, click here. for LCYBL, click here. Please discuss any questions with your director or board member.
- Equipment Return - at the end of each season, you'll receive an email asking for all equipment to be returned.
- Feedback - Please provide feedback to your league director, president, EBA President, or any EBA Board member. To help us continually improve, the EBA will be sending out a post-season parent questionaire about the fields, coaching, and all around experience. Ask your director for feedback about your team.
Coach's Forms
Game/Practice Forms: